Plateforme des ONG Françaises pour la Palestine

« PNGO memo to Koffi Annan regarding the situation in Lebanon »

3 août 2006 - PNGO - 31/07/06


His Excellency Mr, Kofi Anan

The Secretary General Of The United Nations

We address your Excellency today while the war crimes of the Israeli Occupation Forces ’IOF’ continues against the Palestinians and the Lebanese civilians, and the international community continue the silence ignoring its legal, moral and humanity responsibilities for stopping the aggression against the civilians in the Occupied Palestinian territories ’OPT’ and Lebanon.

The crimes which are committed by the IOF in Lebanon and OPT indicate the international community failure which comes to the interest of the Israeli crimes.

It is obviously that the objectives of the Israeli military operation in Gaza strip and Lebanon goes beyond the release of the Israeli soldiers, and it comes to implement the Israeli comprehensive policy in destroying the infrastructure of the Palestinians and the Lebanese as well.

We the Palestinian Nongovernmental organizations Network « PNGO » assures on :

* Our extreme condemning the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians and Lebanese.

* We raise our solidarity with the brothers in Lebanon in their cries caused by Israel.

* We call via your Excellency the high contracting parties of the fourth Geneva Convention to call for an urgent meeting in order to implement the articles of the convention and to provide an international protection for both nations.

* We call for international investigation on the Israeli Crimes in OPT and Lebanon as well.

* We believe that stopping the Israeli aggression is the responsibility of the United Nations.

* We call for the prosecution of the Israeli war criminals.

* We call for international conference in principle of comprehensive and durable solution for the Middle East conflict according to the international legitimacy.

* We demand the UN and its institutions to exert pressure on the Israeli Government to save the humanity services to the leanness who suffers from sever bad conditions.

Finally Palestinian NGOs Network would like to seize this opportunity to avail its high appreciation and respect.

Palestinian NGOs Network « PNGO »

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