Plateforme des ONG Françaises pour la Palestine

Letters to the representatives of the Quartet, regarding the deterioration in Gaza

23 janvier 2008 - Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza - 20/01/08

The Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza, sent letters to the representatives of the Quartet, regarding the deterioration in Gaza. The letter was as follows :


We decided to approach you, yet again, to request your immediate action towards ending the ongoing injustice to which Gaza citizens are subjected.

The International Community, of which you represent an important part, bears the full responsibilities of civilians’ lives in Gaza. Every day, there are new restrictions and measures causing additional victims and suffering. The Palestinian people have survived endless tragedies so far, and coped with unbearable situations. However, this must not be an excuse to forget, not for one moment, that this is an occupied nation, nor it should be a reason to turn a blind eye on the daily collective punishment measures which Israel applies against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Israel’s pathetic attempts to justify the siege on Gaza must not be adopted by the International Community, who are fully aware that there is no balance of power between the occupied and the occupier. By accepting the Israeli justifications, and by facing Israel’s crimes with silence, the International Community is perceived to be accepting such crimes and taking part in that.

What is taking place now in Gaza, which has been intensified lately by cutting fuel and electricity supplies and prevent humanitarian aid from entering Gaza, is an open war against Gaza. Open, yet undeclared by the Israeli government so as to escape its responsibilities towards the civilians in the Occupied Territories ; these responsibilities which the International Community failed so far in making Israel commit to.


We are requesting you to take serious actions, and to strongly interfere at the Israeli government to stop this madness. Our children deserve better future, but they sure deserve livable present.


Dr. Eyad Sarraj
For the Palestinian International Campaign
to End the Siege on Gaza

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